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The RuggedServer™ RS416 is an industrially hardened serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environmentsThe RUGGEDCOM product line contains communication network components designed specifically for applications in the harshest environmental conditions This product family includes switches, routers, multi service platform, wireless devices, cellular modems, serial device servers, media converters, and network management softwareRuggedCom RS416 Switch User Manual Open as PDF of 10 The RuggedServer™ RS416 is an industrially hardened serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and
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RuggedCom eRSTP allows the creation of faulttolerant ring and mesh Ethernet networks that incorporate redundant links that are 'pruned' to prevent loops eRSTP yields worstcase fault recovery1 of 5ms times the 'bridge diameter' and allows rings of up to 80 switches For example, a ring of ten switches will have fault recovery times under 50msThe RUGGEDCOM RMC40 features various ports, controls and indicator LEDs on the display panel for connecting, configuring and troubleshooting the device The display panel can be located on the rear, front or top of the device, depending on the mounting configuration 6 4 2 3 1 5 Figure 1 RUGGEDCOM RMC40 1 POWER LED 2RuggedCom RuggedCom is a leading provider of utility grade communications networking solutions designed for missioncritical applications in harsh environments RuggedCom's technology solutions include Ethernet switches, network routers, wireless devices, serial servers, media converters, software and professional services

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The RUGGEDCOM RS416 is a utilitygrade serial device server with an integrated, fully managed Ethernet switch It features a modular design that can support IEEE 15 and IRIGB time synchronization, up to 16 serial ports, and up to 4 Ethernet portsIntroduction Introduction The RUGGEDCOM RS416 is an industrially hardened serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environmentsThe RUGGEDCOM RS416 is a utilitygrade serial device server with an integrated, fully managed Ethernet switch It features a modular design that can support IEEE 15 and IRIGB time synchronization, up to 16 serial ports, and up to 4 Ethernet ports As such, it can be used to interconnect and synchronize multiple types of intelligent

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RUGGEDCOM RS416 16port serial device server with integrated 4port managed Ethernet switch and IEEE 15 v2 to IRIGB conversion • Up to 16 serial ports RS485/RS422/RS232 via DB9/RJ45 or fiber serial interface via ST 4 x 10/100BASETX • Optional dual redundant power supplies Data Sheet RS416 User Guide RS416 Installation Guide RS416The RUGGEDCOM RSG9P features various ports, controls and indicator LEDs on the front panel for connecting, configuring and troubleshooting the device 10 2 6 4 5 1 3 9 8 4 7 11 Figure 1 RUGGEDCOM RSG9P 1 RS232 Console Port (RJ45) 2 POWER LED 3 ALARM LED 4 SFP Ethernet Ports 5 Access Plate 6 10/100/1000 MbpsThe RUGGEDCOM RSG2100 from Siemens is a utility grade, fully managed modular Ethernet switch, featuring 19 total ports, with up to 16 for Fast Ethernet and up to 3 for Gigabit Ethernet The RSG2100 features 2port modules for superior flexibility, support

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Oct 14, 11 · The following illustrations show the typical port configurations and connectors available for RX1501 line modules For complete information on the available line modules, refer to the RuggedBackbone™ RX1501 data sheet Only one T1/E1 module may be used per router On the RX1501, 2port modules can only be inserted in LM1 and LM2 221RUGGEDCOM RMC media converter is a utilitygrade, protocolindependent, serialtofiber and serial standards converter for all your serial communication requirements The RMC allows RS485, RS422, or RS232 devices or networks to communicate over secure , noise immune, optically isolated, fiber optic cabling atextended distances as wellThe RS416 provides a high level of immunity to electromagnetic interference and heavy electrical surges typical of environ ments found in electric utility substations, factory floors or in curb side traffic control cabinets

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